It's not that it doesn't curl, it's that I always look like I have ringlets or perfectly spiraled hair. The curls are never soft and pretty. Its too perfect/child-ish looking.
So recently I heard about these new wands. No clamp? how great, it creases my thin hair easily anyways.
I went to check them out at Ulta.. so many decisions. Size, shape, length..
[we are talking about curling wands don't forget ;)]
I debated back and forth between the barrel roller or the tapered one, but honestly had know clue what to do and was so unsure since my curling irons are all 1". I knew I didn't want smaller because it would make a tighter curl, but would bigger just produce the same result as my curling iron?
Just as I was confused as ever, this bad boy caught my eye. It didn't have the inch description and I found this odd.. As I continued to read it proclaimed it was for WAVES. hm, a tool I don't have. You'll notice its square shaped w rounded edges, how it works.. I don't know.
it does come with the glove pictured above, which helps out tremendously with the heat.
Here is a result of the wave wand. It is amazing how quickly it "curls" and how well it holds throughout the day. when you create the waves you'll noticed they are smaller and sort of tight. Once I have completely "waved" I left cool completely and run my fingers through each piece. It seems to create more volume and a less perfect look.
If you have questions or know of a secret I am unaware of, let me know :)
Awesome!! Thanks for posting this :) I definitely need to get ahold of one!